Yeah I’m tough!

Violence. Foolishness. Ignorance. Is what my definition of toughness used to be. You see i thought that I had to show no weakness, to “fight to show masculinity” to show that

I’m, in newer terms “that guy.”

but no, not no more. It’s gets to a point where you realize all that you called toughness was insecurity, fighting for a spot in people’s eyes that showed them I’m tough. But it was too much, I’ve had enough. Real masculinity is settling back and being your authentic self and not stunt for others, being masculine isn’t throwing yourself out there trying to prove something to people, proving things to yourself is all you need.

You don’t need validation from others to know who YOU are, you should know yourself more than others do. The real definition of toughness isn’t fighting, talking shit, and being a fool. It’s when you take a step up that stool, to the next level to elevate yourself, it’s where you take devastation head on and turn it into realization. Toughness is when you grow from your mistakes, removing yourself from negative crowds and surrounding yourself with love and positivity.

Toughness isn’t gang banging or danger displaying

it’s not “you better not fuck with me or Ima hurt you”, it’s not being the biggest on the earth like David and Goliath. In that story the tough actor got defeated by the authentic one.

Now I think back, back to that freshman who was out to prove something through violence, and who knew that would be the end. The end of an era of fakeness and onto an era of a new toughness, not the violent toughness but the real toughness. I can finally say “Yeah I am tough!” Because at the end of the day the real toughness was growing beyond the dirt I was stuck in.

-Robert Jordan


Daffodil Field


Pirates upon the vessel