The Beauty Of Forgivness

the beauty of forgiveness 

anger, and hate, things that consume us

they cloud our life with immense hatred

drown us with thoughts of negativity 

surround us with trauma, and repackage themselves through words and actions

words that cannot be taken back because we cannot forget

actions that cannot be undone because we do not forgive

we allow words and actions to dictate and control us

they continue cycles of vice

exacerbate mental illness

exuberantly filing our lives with shortcoming

we say forgive but never forget

in doing this, we're still surrounding ourselves in inhumane mental punishment 

subjecting others to entrapment and waves of guilt

letting life's waves wash our soul to shore, and let negativity sink

allowing anger to float, and pain to fill our tank

the beauty of forgiveness is a release of moral shortcomings, and an embrace of peace of mind

forgiveness is the bridge between our virtues and leaps over the human condition 

forgiveness bandages the punctured wounds of soul, and replenishes helpless wicked state of mind

forgiveness unlocks our cell, overflown with guilt, hatred and emotion, it reincarnates youthful bliss, and encompasses compassion 

forgiveness teaches us that, there is hope in the mundane and vice filled earth, that there is a slither of light at the end of the tunnel of human suffering, and that forgiveness is a prerequisite for love, and peace

the beauty of forgiveness.

copyright © micah hill 2024




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