Youth (PM)


I sometimes miss the innocence of childhood

the way the sun shined and reflected off my skin

the way the spokes on my bike cranked and twisted

the way i laughed carefree

the way i built connections

hours on end spent in a state of peace of mind

the blueness of my being

the youthfulness of my disposition

i sometimes miss the late summers with ice cream melting in my hands

the way i viewed the world

the way my imagination ran wild

my state of youthfulness cut short by wickedness

cut short by misplacement of anger

cut short by the projection of the shortcomings of man

cut short by the face of evilness

cut short by the figure who is ordained to protect

as sudden as the cycle of the seasons passing, my season of youth passed

no longer with an optimistic overview of the world

no longer carefree, and exuding of creativity

it seemed as if the sun was dimmer and the wickedness of the shortcoming of man had consumed me

i soon became the killer of youthfulness

the face of evilness

the misplacement of anger

the trap of masculinity i had fallen into, in the shadow of wickedness

what i had grown up with disdain for, i had become.

copyright © micah hill 2024


Music (PM)


Moonlight (WR)