
conditions (spoken word)

our male human contract 

it reads that “this life is conditional”

it means that we can treat women as meat 

it believes that what we do is unoriginal

cycles of toxins, gripped by shortcoming

it means that our kids are being taught to be a man

but what does being one mean?

is it pimping the hoes, to show that you half of one?

is it beating the disrespect out of bodies that use their mouth as ammunition?

is it showcasing anger because that’s what we does?

is it strutting down the street because its a mans world?

the condition of masculinity is unoriginal, artificial

our condition is a two way contract

many fail to stop and read between the lines

when we skip over life we miss the goal

we fail each other, we fail our men, our kids, our women 

being taught that love is unconditional 

but actions that show the opposite 

acts of lust, not stopping to find obscurity in the mundane

failing to see the beauty in the unknown 

our systems, set to keep us on top

while creating an account i was prompted with a screen to read the terms and conditions

but instead of skipping it i stopped to read

learning how they’ll use my data

seeing all the nuances of the platform

i thought to myself, why can’t we do the same

teach our boys to stop and read the conditions

teach them to slow life down and appreciate the struggle

teach them to navigate the human condition, not with anger

teach them that anger is a furnace filled with vice and misunderstanding

show them that healing comes through unconditional, not superficial, unoriginal masculinity 

show them that love doesn’t have to be this way

tell them that they’re seen, that they’re loved

tell them that the condition of life can be amended

tell them that they have the power to change


copyright © micah hill 2024 


Tree (PM)


In the Shadow of My Father